Customization and Preferences


User specific preferences and settings
The settings file IA_preferences.xml
Default directories
Default settings for database access
Debug and trace
Activating and hiding functional modules
Customizing the workbench appearance
Application name, copyright, license agreement, icons
Look and feel
Color palettes
Labels, dialog texts and tool tips

User specific preferences and settings

This chapter describes how Synop Analyzer can be configured towards the needs of single users by defining user-specific settings in the preferences file IA_preferences.xml.

The settings file IA_preferences.xml

Synop Analyzer stores and reads more than a hundred settings, default values and customization parameters in a preferences file named IA_preferences.xml residing in the root directory of the Synop Analyzer installation. This file is an XML document conforming to the XML schema The structure of the document is quite simple: it consists of a series of tags of the form

  <Setting name="…" type="…" module="…" value="…"

for example

  <Setting name="smallIcon" type="filename" module="GUI"
   value="IA_icon32x32.gif" default="IA_icon32x32.gif"/>.

name is the name of the parameter to be defined, type is its data type (int, double, free textual string, file name, or choice list). module states the functional modules for which the parameter applies and value is the actual value of the parameter.

The attribute default is ignored when Synop Analyzer parses the preferences file. It serves to memorize the default setting of the parameter at the installation time of the software and helps undoing changes which lead to surprising effects or errors.

If you remove the file IA_preferences.xml, Synop Analyzer generates a new version of the file in which all parameter values are identical to the default values.

As a user of the software you can work with your own version of IA_preferences.xml. For example, you can copy the original file to your home directory and rename it, e.g. to c:\users\smith\IA_preferences_smith.xml. Then you write and save a batch file, e.g. c:\users\smith\my_IA.bat which calls Synop Analyzer with the name of the new batch file as (second) command line parameter. (The first command line parameter, which contains the analysis task to be executed automatically on program startup, can remain empty.) The batch file should look like this:

  c:/IA/SynopAnalyzer.bat "" c:/users/smith/IA_preferences_smith.xml .

You can modify the parameters in IA_preferences.xml by directly editing the file using an arbitrary text editor. You can also customize IA_preferences.xml by means of the menu button Preferences in the main menu of the Synop Analyzer graphical workbench.

image file preferences_610.png not found

Default directories

The following parameters in IA_preferences.xml specify default directory paths:

Default settings for connections to relational databases

The following parameters in IA_preferences.xml specify default settings for reading data from relational databases:

Debug and trace

The following parameters specify settings for debug and trace. These settings define up to which extent Synop Analyzer produces progress, error and warning information while processing analysis tasks, or while your are interactively working with the graphical workbench. This information can be helpful to track down problems or unexpected program behavior.

Hiding modules

If you or the users for whom you are customizing the software are expected to use only a limited subset of all functional modules offered by Synop Analyzer, you can hide certain modules. This makes the workbench less complex and easier to use since many buttons and expert parameter input fields might disappear from the graphical user interface (GUI).

You can hide modules by setting one or more of the following parameters in IA_preferences.xml to "false":

Note: if some of the modules are deactivated in the initial version of IA_preferences.xml, then your license does not enable you to use the modules. In this case, setting the corresponding 'activate...' parameter to "true" has no effect.

Customizing the workbench appearance

This chapter describes how the graphical appearance and the textual labels of the Synop Analyzer workbench can be modified. The description is targeted at

Technically, the custimizations described here are effectuated by modifying two XML resource files which come with the Synop Analyzer software:

Application name, copyright, license agreement, icons

The file IA_preferences.xml contains 5 parameters which control the application name, the application icon, the copyright statement and the short version of the license agreement which is printed at the beginning of the Synop Analyzer trace file.

These parameters, and the possibility to freely access and modify them in the XML file, are targeted at OEM partners who are integrating the Synop Analyzer software into their own software offerings which are sold under the partner's own label, copyright and icon. Note that these entries in the preferences file are matched against the Synop Analyzer license key when the software is started. The software will issue an error message and terminate if the entries found in the preferences file do not match the available license key.

These are the 5 mentioned settings and their default values:

Look and feel

Synop Analyzer supports 3 different 'look and feel' (LAF) modes

The default setting is 'Windows'. You can activate one of the other 'LAF's by modifying the following entry in your preferences file (IA_preferences.xml):

  <Setting name="lookAndFeel" type="choice" module="GUI" value="windows"

Color palettes

For all Synop Analyzer workbench panels which show colored charts and other data visualizations, the preferences file IA_preferences.xml contains color palette settings which can be modified in order to match the user's or partner's preferences.

For the 'Statistics and Distributions' panel, the following color parameter is available:

For the 'Bivariate Exploration' panel, the following color parameters are available:

For the 'Multivariate Exploration' and the 'Test/Control Analysis' panel, the following color parameters are available:

Labels, dialog texts and tool tips

All labels, panel titles, message or tool tip pop-up texts appearing in the Synop Analyzer workbench are defined in the textual resource file IA_texts.xml or a renamed and customized substitute for that file.

The textual resource file is an XML document conforming to to the XML schema The structure of the document is quite simple: it consists of a series of tags of the form

  <Label key="…" inGlossary="…">
    <Modules> … </Modules>
    <Value text="…" lastModified="…" lang="…" target="…"/>
    <Description text="…" lastModified="…" lang="…" target="…"/>

The various parts of the <Label> tag have the following meaning and functions:

The sub-elements <Value> and <Description> contain an optional attribute target. This attribute specifies the application name for which the current label text or label description is being defined. Using this attribute, OEM partners can overwrite any textual resource of Synop Analyzer when embedding Synop Analyzer components into their own applications.

Let us look at an example. The Undo button in the Test/Control Analysis panel has the following default entry in IA_texts.xml:

  <Label> inGlossary="true" key="Undo">
    <Value text="Undo" lastModified="2010-03-01" lang="en_US"/>
    <Description text="Undo the previous control data optimization.
      That means, reactivate all available control data records."
      lastModified="2010-03-01" lang="en_US"/>

The OEM partner offering an application called 'XY Explorer' could modify this label as follows:

  <Label> inGlossary="false" key="Undo">
    <Value text="Undo" lastModified="2010-03-01" lang="en_US"/>
    <Value text="Alle" lastModified="2010-04-25" lang="de_DE"
      target="XY Explorer"/>
    <Description text="Undo the previous control data optimization.
      That means, reactivate all available control data records."
      lastModified="2010-03-01" lang="en_US"/>
    <Description text="Wδhle alle verfόgbaren Kontrolldaten aus."
      lastModified="2010-04-25" lang="de_DE" target="XY Explorer"/>

The effect of the change is that the German localization of 'XY Explorer' will use a customized button label and button tool tip (whereas all non-German localizations of 'XY Explorer still use the default label texts and tool tips). Furthermore, the entry for 'Undo' is removed from 'XY Explorer's glossary.

When customizing textual resources, there's no need to redefine all labels or all languages. Whenever you do not provide a customized version, the best matching generic version of the label will be used. That means, if a default version for the currently active language exists, the language specific default version, otherwise the "en_US" default version.