The Module 'Pivot Tables'


Purpose and short description
The left hand panel: select fields and value ranges
The bottom tool bar
The table view
The chart view

Purpose and short description

The data exploration module 'Pivot Tables' serves to study the dependencies and interrelations between the different values of several data fields in a tabular view. The module can be considered a functionally enlarged variant of the Bivariate Exploration module, offering the following additional features:

The screenshot below shows a sample application: the table displays the mean account balances of bank customers traced by age, gender and family status. The ranges which have been marked with a blue line are the ranges in which the average account balance is at least twice the mean account balance on all customers.


The left hand panel: select fields and value ranges

In the left part of the module's screen window you can select the data fields and the field value ranges which will define the rows and the columns of the pivot table.

The buttons New below the headlines Vertical Ranges and Horizontal Ranges create a new range split for either the x- or the y-axis of the resulting table, each range split being based on one single data field. After pressing the button, a new range specification window appears in the left screen column. In the selector box Data Field you select the data field on which the range split will be based.

The screenshot printed below shows the pivot table which results from choosing the vertical range split fields Age and Gender and the horizontal range split field FamilyStatus on the data doc/sample_data/customers.txt. This pivot table is very similar to the bivariate matrix created by the module 'Bivariate Exploration' for the two data fields Age and FamilyStatus.


Each range split can be modified by mouse actions on the list area showing the single field values. There are three different display modes for each list entry, each display mode representing a certain usage mode of the corresponding field value.

The following mouse actions are supported on the list area:

The picture displayed below shows on its left side the default state of the range split definition window for the data field FamilyStatus of the data file doc/sample_data/customers.txt. On the right side, the picture shows a user-modified state.


The default state creates the pivot table with 7 horizontal ranges shown at the beginning of this section. The nodified state creates a pivot table such as the one shown in the introductory section of this chapter. That table has only 5 horizontal ranges. The value child has been suppressed, the values divorced and separated have been combined into one single range, and the ranges have been reordered into the 'logical' order: single before cohabitant before married before separated; divorced before widowed.

The bottom tool bar

The tool bar at the lower border of the screen provides the following functions:


The pivot table panel

The preceding sections have described how a pivot table view can be generated and modified using the left-hand panel and the bottom toolbar. The resulting table is displayed in the main part of the panel.

The screenshot below shows a sample application: the table displays the mean account balances of bank customers from file doc/sample_data/customers.txttraced by age, gender and family status. The ranges which have been marked with a blue line are the ranges in which the average account balance is at least twice the mean account balance on all customers.


The table contains the following rows and columns:

The chart panel

Using the toolbar button icon_chart32x32 you can create a chart representation of the pivot table's content. The row names of the pivot table will become the labels on the chart's x-axis, the chart's y-axis will show the values displayed in the numeric pivot table cells. Each column name of the pivot table defines a uniquely colored area in the chart. The areas are stacked above each other so that the upper end of the chart represents the number printed in the rightmost table cell of the pivot table.


The chart shown above displays the chart representation of the pivot table printed in section 'The left column' which has customers' Age ranges as rows and customers' FamilyStatus as columns.